Hi, I am Bev and I am a Birth and Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Educator, Reiki practitioner, Accredited Triple P Parenting Provider, and Emergency Preparedness Specialist.
I started my path to being a Doula with the birth of my daughter in 1985. I knew that I wanted to be a Childbirth Educator, and back then I never heard the word “Doula”.
I attended my first “Doula” birth on April 1, 1992 for a single mom who had an amazing natural birth of a little boy. I felt at that time that this was what I wanted my path to be. I started attending births as a “Birth Coach”, using multiple Childbirth Education classes for my training.
One day while talking with someone she told me she was a Doula. When I asked what one was she explained that a Doula was someone that supported families in childbirth. and I knew I had found my life calling, so I started the path to certification.
I started my certifications with Health Beginning’s Birth & Postpartum Doula. In 2003 I received my DONA certification. In 2008 I received my Accreditation with Power of Positive Parenting, or Triple P. I continued my education and taking multiple classes and trainings. In 2013 I certifyed with Madriella as a Birth Doula. In 2015, when Madriella chose to role out a Postpartum Doula Certification I was one of the first Postpartum Doulas certified. I felt that my next step would be to help families who have lost a baby, so I decided to become a Bereavement Doula with Still Birth day, and I am currently working on the certification.
I was one of the first Madriella Hands on Birth & Postpartum doula Educators. I am also on the Advisory Board for Madriella helping to establish and expand the standards of the Madriella certification program. I am currently serving as Region Liason for Operation Special Delivery. OSD helps to support military families who are deployed during the birth of a child. In the past I have volunteered on other boards helping to strengthen and build families and communities.
Ok, so that is my “credentials” but I believe that a doula is more than a certification… It is a heart. I believe in serving each family where they are. I do NOT judge, I do not make choices for those I work with. I have been the one to let the nurse know that the epidural was asked for, and I am the one to distract mom when she asked for one. I do what my client wants me to do.
I am blessed to be able to work in Chiropractic office with an amazing Chiropractor who supports me working as a Birth Doula. In other words he lets me leave at a moments notice if I have a client that needs me.
I have been told, by a blind dad, that I am worth my weight in gold.. I am still waiting for the check.. LOL But seriously the gold is when I got to describe to him what his baby looked like, as I placed his hands on his son. I have cried with families, and I have rejoiced with clients. I have had clients tell me that they could not have done it without me... but we all know that truth
I enjoy working with families of all sizes, styles, and diversities. I myself have 5 living children, 2 girls and 3 boys.. and 1 angel, a girl. I have also experienced pregnancy loss.
I started my path to being a Doula with the birth of my daughter in 1985. I knew that I wanted to be a Childbirth Educator, and back then I never heard the word “Doula”.
I attended my first “Doula” birth on April 1, 1992 for a single mom who had an amazing natural birth of a little boy. I felt at that time that this was what I wanted my path to be. I started attending births as a “Birth Coach”, using multiple Childbirth Education classes for my training.
One day while talking with someone she told me she was a Doula. When I asked what one was she explained that a Doula was someone that supported families in childbirth. and I knew I had found my life calling, so I started the path to certification.
I started my certifications with Health Beginning’s Birth & Postpartum Doula. In 2003 I received my DONA certification. In 2008 I received my Accreditation with Power of Positive Parenting, or Triple P. I continued my education and taking multiple classes and trainings. In 2013 I certifyed with Madriella as a Birth Doula. In 2015, when Madriella chose to role out a Postpartum Doula Certification I was one of the first Postpartum Doulas certified. I felt that my next step would be to help families who have lost a baby, so I decided to become a Bereavement Doula with Still Birth day, and I am currently working on the certification.
I was one of the first Madriella Hands on Birth & Postpartum doula Educators. I am also on the Advisory Board for Madriella helping to establish and expand the standards of the Madriella certification program. I am currently serving as Region Liason for Operation Special Delivery. OSD helps to support military families who are deployed during the birth of a child. In the past I have volunteered on other boards helping to strengthen and build families and communities.
Ok, so that is my “credentials” but I believe that a doula is more than a certification… It is a heart. I believe in serving each family where they are. I do NOT judge, I do not make choices for those I work with. I have been the one to let the nurse know that the epidural was asked for, and I am the one to distract mom when she asked for one. I do what my client wants me to do.
I am blessed to be able to work in Chiropractic office with an amazing Chiropractor who supports me working as a Birth Doula. In other words he lets me leave at a moments notice if I have a client that needs me.
I have been told, by a blind dad, that I am worth my weight in gold.. I am still waiting for the check.. LOL But seriously the gold is when I got to describe to him what his baby looked like, as I placed his hands on his son. I have cried with families, and I have rejoiced with clients. I have had clients tell me that they could not have done it without me... but we all know that truth
I enjoy working with families of all sizes, styles, and diversities. I myself have 5 living children, 2 girls and 3 boys.. and 1 angel, a girl. I have also experienced pregnancy loss.
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